Growing a new generation of scientists to face extreme precipitation and severe storms over the Alps

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EXPATS (EXploiting sPAtiotemporal cloud patterns to advance severe Storms process understanding and detection) is a junior research group funded by the German Weather Service (DWD) within the IDEA-S4S network.

IDEA-S4S is a new bilateral collaboration between Germany and Italy in meteorology, climatology, and related disciplines that will create a center of excellence for cutting-edge research and translate the results into improving operational services and university training.

EXPATS lives in the time frame 2023-2027. It will develop new cutting-edge research on extreme precipitating events over the Alps, exploiting the high-resolution data provided by the new Meteosat third-generation satellite (MTG) data, and it will collaborate with DWD and ARPAE to bring research results as soon as possible to the operational weather services, and thus beneficial for the society.


In 2050, in Europe, we will spend 45 billion euros per year for damages caused by climate change and floods. Every degree of temperature increase on the Earth causes a rise between 4 and 8% in the intensity of precipitation extremes.

The Alps lay in the heart of Europe: there, where storms can cause landslides and flash floods, detecting storms is even more difficult because of the orography.

In EXPATS, we have a mission: to protect the European citizens and the environment by improving our capacity to predict and understand how extreme precipitation and hail events develop over the Alps. Our methods based on artificial intelligence will learn how storms evolve from geostationary satellite and weather radar continuous observations. Thanks to a strong synergy with weather services, the results of this research will serve numerical weather prediction models.

But EXPATS is more than new research only: we care to train fresh young minds that will strengthen the cooperation between Germany and Italy. We want to grow new generations of scientists that will face new climate change mitigation strategies for the future of all of us.


Istituto di Scienze

dell'Atmosfera e del Clima

Universita' di Bologna

Universität zu Köln

Talks and posters

DWD, 15 Jan 2023

Presenting the project

Speaker: Claudia Acquistapace

GSGS conference, 12 May 2023

Chatting about how extreme events form and the challenges we face in modelling and forecasting.

Speaker: Claudia Acquistapace

EUMETSAT conference, 11 Sep 2023

Speaker: Claudia Acquistapace

EUMETSAT invited talk, 11 Oct 2023

Speaker: Claudia Acquistapace

31 may 2023

Branding a research project: EXPATS

Author: Claudia Acquistapace

UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO, invited talk, 7 Mar 2024

Speaker: Claudia Acquistapace

ECMWF, invited talk, 2 Jul 2024

From the tropics to the Alps to look at precipitation

Speaker: Claudia Acquistapace

4th workshop on cloud organization, invited talk, 11 Jul 2024

Exploiting AI methods to get the mos out of multiscale ​observations

Speaker: Claudia Acquistapace

Teaching activities


The lectures provide some basics on satellite ​remote sensing and give some tools to learn how ​to visualize data. It also introduces machine learning ​methods to analyze images and learn structures in ​the images.

Trento, Summer semester 2023


Description. We will talk about the potential of computer ​vision AI for advancing in the atmospheric field, starting ​from convolutional neural networks to more complex ​deep learning methods, introducing recent works with ​application to clouds and precipitation.

Module of classes for the Master in science of Climate, ​Uni Bologna, Winter semester 2023

Connect with us

Dr. Claudia Acquistapace

mail: cacquist@uni-koeln.de

Daniele Corradini

Paula Bigalke

mail: paula.bigalke@uni-koeln.de

mail: expats.ideas4s@gmail.com

Idea-s4s network page


DWD webpage


more about expats

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